Stand Out: Your Strategic Job Hunt Toolkit

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Unlock the secrets of creating a non-conventional, strategic & creative CV and portfolio 🤫

As a coach, I am humbled to see my clients land their dream jobs using the same strategies that I will be sharing in this e-book. That is why releasing this e-book for the makes me feel excited to see more success stories!! 🙏🏻

This toolkit will not teach you to create a lame CV or a boring portfolio. I will not be wasting your hours reading this, not to mention your hard-earned money, if I am only going to teach you those basic ones. You will learn the exact strategies I have been using in job applications that have helped me land my dream job and what has helped my coaching clients as well. 🎯

Get ready to learn the following:

I. Building A Solid Foundation

Let's audit your career and write your goals

II. Your Creative & Strategic CV 💯

  • What is a good CV?
  • What should be in your CV?
  • How should you write your CV?
  • Do's and Dont's in Writing Your CV
  • Designing Your CV - Do's and Dont's
  • CV Creation Tools

III. Portfolio and Its Importance 💼

  • What should be in your portfolio?
  • What is a good portfolio?
  • When do you need to present your portfolio?
  • Free Portfolio Template


  • Job Hunt Checklist
  • Interview Tips
  • Career Building Tips
  • Career Hunt Meditation

About Your Coach 👩‍🏫

I am a life design and marketing expert based in Dubai who has helped individuals land their dream jobs and build their personal brand online. With 9 years of marketing experience, I have helped companies maximize return on marketing spend and reach targets despite the pandemic. I am also the creator of the Creative-Producer Roadmap (CPR) program. The CPR program helps creatives build their unique ideas to life, and producers adopt a creative mindset. I love working out with my husband, reading a book with my cat, and playing the violin.

Contact me if you have questions and feedback:


Instagram: @trainwithdanenow


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You'll get job hunt game plan, creative CV guide, portfolio template, interview & career tips, career hunt meditation

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Stand Out: Your Strategic Job Hunt Toolkit

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