Online Business Idea Generator

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Remove the stress of trying to figure out what business to build. With this idea generator, you can come up with as many combinations as you want and will give you clear next steps on what to do next! 👩‍💻

Hey there ✨
Thank you for downloading this freebie. Whether you’ve discovered this through The Awkweird Show podcast or from The Conversion Engine – you are so welcome!

I am super excited to share with you this freebie as it’s been a game-changer for me when I was also figuring out what business to build.
It's simple, simply choose one description in each column of the business you want to build. I have explained in the pdf the framework and thought process in this generator.
Hope you enjoy it!
- Dane Cornejo

About Your Coach 👩‍🏫

I am a life design and marketing expert based in Dubai who has helped individuals land their dream jobs and build their personal brand online. With 9 years of marketing experience, I have helped companies maximize return on marketing spend and reach targets despite the pandemic. I am the creator of the Creative-Producer Roadmap (CPR) program and the Chief Marketing Officer for The Conversion Engine.

Contact me if you have questions and feedback:

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Let's connect: @trainwithdanenow


I want this!

A free and full guide of ate least 66,000+ business ideas you can build today! (Not exaggerating, a simple math calculation is all you need to prove this count.)

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6 pages
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Online Business Idea Generator

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I want this!